New First Post :)

Heeeeeree we gooooo.... I tried to have my own blog a few months (or years ;) ) ago, but I just didn't manage to keep it updated and po...

Heeeeeree we gooooo.... I tried to have my own blog a few months (or years ;) ) ago, but I just didn't manage to keep it updated and post regularly. However, when I realised how much I myself look at other artist's blogs and how great they are to show artwork and get feedback, the blog bug bite me again, and here I am- posting again! I also promised myself to do a lot more sketching from now on, although I'm always afraid that the people I'm drawing will notice and get angry with me ;)

That's why I dicided to start with a subject that can't really do anything about it and went to the zoo. So my first post will show some of the sketches I did there as well as some of the artwork I've done in the last few weeks. I also started studying at Animation Mentor recently and will also keep you updated on my progress there. Big plans so far, you see :) All and every comment and feedback is highly appreciated as there is so much to improve, to learn and to explore! Cheers, Claudi

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