Zoo again

I went to the zoo again yesterday - which by the way turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would as I first missed my turn (you ...

I went to the zoo again yesterday - which by the way turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would as I first missed my turn (you shouldn't talk to your mom on the phone while driving ;) ) and then had to walk for ages to get to the entrance. So in the end I had only half an hour till the zoo closed and therefore I focused on very quick sketches. Only the giraffe and the hippo weren't done at the zoo but afterwards at home. I also post some character designs/ sketches I had been working on a few weeks ago when I did a character design course at schoolism with Stephen Silver. Check out his stuff, he's amazing!! The character I've been developing here should be a kind of sleazy used car salesman :)

As always, feel free to leave any notes, comments or good night stories you want to, I'll read them all :)

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