Some Animation

Hey all, I thought as this blog is called clouanimation it is time to actually put some animation on it ;) Unfortunately, I'M not allowe...

Hey all,
I thought as this blog is called clouanimation it is time to actually put some animation on it ;)
Unfortunately, I'M not allowed to show the stuff that I'm recently doing at work (which is mainly 2D hand-drawn and flash stuff), so I decided to start by uploading this week's assignment I had to do for Animation Mentor. The idea behind it (which you are hopefully able to notice when you whatch it) was overlapping action and I tried to also tell a little story.

In addition to that I want to show some life drawings I did recently. I really tried to get rid of the "outliny" style that I usually have and to focus on three dimensional shapes and depth, however I was told now that I started rendering the drawings too early and that I should focus on the linework firts. So I'm a bit confused right now ;)

As always- pleeeaaase, leve me feedback, it helps me grow :)

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